Healing Practitioners
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Sherianna (Sheri) Boyle
Author, Emotional Detox for Anxiety, Founder of the C.L.E.A.N.S.E Method™
Sherianna Boyle, is a seasoned yoga instructor, adjunct Psychology Professor, Emotional Detox Coach® and author of ten books including Emotional Detox: 7 Steps to Releasing Toxicity & Energizing Joy and Emotional Detox for Anxiety, each of which feature, her revolutionary C.L.E.A.N.S.E. Method.™ One hour sessions with Sherianna include a guided experience of the C.L.E.A.N.S.E system and intuitive coaching. Using her intuitive abilities. Sheri helps clients identify repressed emotions which could be contributing to symptoms of anxiety, depression, weight gain and more. You can find out more on www.sheriannaboyle.com
Sessions: $95 per hour, Couples: $140 for 90 minutes